Lately I have been dreaming a lot. I always remember my dreams, but lately they have taken a strange twist. When I go to sleep, I immediately dream something very vivid and I am semi-aware of the gravity/richness of the dream. When something giant happens, or I awake too much inside the dream I awaken in reality, but I am freezing. My body is stone cold. It is like the dream sends out an ice wind to go through every pore or atom that I am here in this physical dimension. The dreams are not negative, but are extremely powerful. I think sometimes I am getting a bolt of energy from some other dimension and my body freaks out and I become so cold that I shiver. My house is always at 71-74 degrees F. I mean I have searched articles and Google to find out what this is, but it there is no explanation.
I have done research on dreaming in the past because I have always been able to remember it all, or go into REM extremely fast. REM is rapid eye movement- it is the stage of deep sleep where we dream. We all dream but some of us do not remember our dreams. I believe that some of us have particular sleep patterns. For example I believe my deepest sleep happens between 3 am to 5am. That means I go into REM during this time- and so when I have to wake up at 4:45 for my job- I am always in the middle of my dreams and thus I remember them. If someone else has their deepest sleep at 11pm to 1am- then you might not remember your dreams as well as someone with a later deep sleep pattern.
Carlos Castaneda is the only one I have read that has a different view of dreaming. His is very spiritual. Don Juan was his mentor and was also a shaman or sorcerer from the Yaqui Indians of Mexico. Carlos recounts many teachings that he went through and many of these were on the art of dreaming. The sorcerer explains that if you can awaken in your dream- then there are steps to take to understand this realm. This is nothing for an everyday dreamer to explore, it is dangerous and must be done with a mentor. Don Juan says this about dreaming.
"Dreaming can only be experienced. Dreaming is not just having dreams; neither is it daydreaming or wishing or imagining. Through dreaming we can perceive other worlds, which we can certainly describe, but we can't describe what makes us perceive them. Yet we can feel how dreaming opens up those other realms. Dreaming seems to be a sensation-a process in our bodies, an awareness in our minds." (Pg ix, The Art of Dreaming, Carlos Castaneda)
I am in love my night mystery and I don't mind dreaming deep. Sometimes I become so cold that I have to take a bath to get warm again. So my dreaming self is doing some serious stuff out there and then jumps - sort of violently- back into my heavy body- i.e. brings coldness with it- when a ghost comes around things get cold- yes??? Who knows??? Now I am just going way out there for an explanation. Something is happening here!!!
I have done research on dreaming in the past because I have always been able to remember it all, or go into REM extremely fast. REM is rapid eye movement- it is the stage of deep sleep where we dream. We all dream but some of us do not remember our dreams. I believe that some of us have particular sleep patterns. For example I believe my deepest sleep happens between 3 am to 5am. That means I go into REM during this time- and so when I have to wake up at 4:45 for my job- I am always in the middle of my dreams and thus I remember them. If someone else has their deepest sleep at 11pm to 1am- then you might not remember your dreams as well as someone with a later deep sleep pattern.
Carlos Castaneda is the only one I have read that has a different view of dreaming. His is very spiritual. Don Juan was his mentor and was also a shaman or sorcerer from the Yaqui Indians of Mexico. Carlos recounts many teachings that he went through and many of these were on the art of dreaming. The sorcerer explains that if you can awaken in your dream- then there are steps to take to understand this realm. This is nothing for an everyday dreamer to explore, it is dangerous and must be done with a mentor. Don Juan says this about dreaming.
"Dreaming can only be experienced. Dreaming is not just having dreams; neither is it daydreaming or wishing or imagining. Through dreaming we can perceive other worlds, which we can certainly describe, but we can't describe what makes us perceive them. Yet we can feel how dreaming opens up those other realms. Dreaming seems to be a sensation-a process in our bodies, an awareness in our minds." (Pg ix, The Art of Dreaming, Carlos Castaneda)
I am in love my night mystery and I don't mind dreaming deep. Sometimes I become so cold that I have to take a bath to get warm again. So my dreaming self is doing some serious stuff out there and then jumps - sort of violently- back into my heavy body- i.e. brings coldness with it- when a ghost comes around things get cold- yes??? Who knows??? Now I am just going way out there for an explanation. Something is happening here!!!
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