When I said that I believe our body is receiving energy- or something is shifting this is what one researcher says. This sort of makes sense with all the supernatural shows on TV- the young generations are interested in ghost- and they are all vegan's or vegitarians-WHAT????
David Wilcock: "So now, we are moving into a new position. Microbiology experts tell us that 97 percent of our DNA is apparently un-used, but I have been told that more and more of the chain is ''unzipping'' for those who are able to handle the new fourth-density energy structure. These people may not physically look any different, except perhaps more attractive in subtle ways, but internally they will develop greater depths of emotion, perception, intuition, and sensitivity.
Some of the younger people will actually develop telekinesis or the ability to ''see dead people.'' Many others often find that their bodies will no longer tolerate foods of lower vibration, and they are impelled to eat diets high in fresh organic fruits and vegetables."
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