Thursday, August 18, 2011

Fools in a Field

The roots and stems reach and sing towards the sun
I look behind me waiting for your voice

the tall flowing reeds whisper sweet nothings
I look behind  because I cannot look ahead

the wind caresses my red dress like an old dream
I turn with my body, but my shredded heart
 knows the truth 

the sky laughs at my foolish steps
my eyes gaze out yearning for your silhouette
for there is no regret

only the elements witness my torment
they are my solace

I come here for the sky,
 the roots,
the stems,
the reeds,
 and the wind
feel you

wandering these lonely realms
tempted to return to us again.

Kori 2011

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Shapeshifter's Dream

Art by Susan Boulet

Shapeshifter drifts in a sunless sea.
Spirits merge from hidden chasms

Let the gateway to other worlds open
Enchantment is the emperor

  No understanding,
   No reason,
   No measure could withstand
      the pulse
of the shapeshifter's dream. 

Kori 1997

Friday, March 4, 2011

Divine Hunter

When did I become a hunter?

When did I become hungry for a
a flame?

My bow and arrow are tired and
seek in vain.

the quest calls as if all time and space conspires against me.
God's breath breaks my desire into shattered
particles of empty space...

When did I become hungry for waves?
emotion rises and falls
to live here in flesh and bone
is heavy endeavor...

My lance is dull with splinters of despair
as I gallop into the forest
a sea of illusion
I lift my shield
of will and
my soul advances for in
 a world of opposites
a wicked battle reigns
and a blissful ache lingers.

when will the light sink into me?

Roots of belief weave around my inner columns
they stand high and proud
yet lonely in their solitude.

I am a hunter
hungry for an answer
a divine soft whisper of truth but
only a shadow of love escapes into the field of dreams...

The prey is a vibration of light
a state of being
my arrow soars into the mystery
and pierces the heart
of existence but no blood is shed
only a wicked divine desire hunting for more.

Kori 2011

Sunday, February 20, 2011


This planet we dwell on is an engima that I think we take for granted.  I believe we are waking up about this fact.  She is a mystery.  There seems to be some special place in this galaxy where somehow this planet out of 12 or so has water and life.  It is not a simple equation.  The facts and science have not completed the story.  This little writing is dedicated to this place in which we dwell and the mystery that lives within us.  Until we wake up more let us not take her for granted anymore.  

Blue Planet

more ocean than land
more soul than mind
more sand than rock
more sky than clouds


third planet from a star
on the outer edge of an arm
galaxy spirals onward far from the center
expanding out into emptiness.
an enigma you are

more energy than form
more mystery than science
more giving than receiving


blue Gaia

Rapture's First Scar

Love implodes like an old star.
Space, being and particles of light
descend into the depths of time.

Born from a flame
a haunting pure desire
rises to consume all that you are.

The enigmatic union drowns your ego
and the rapture of the other
saves you from yourself.

A slow burn consumes
the fake and false pride
Mystery permeates,
gravity is the god between.

As the storm fades
and time begins again
the divine hunter is

Sacred wind breathes against matter,
waves of radiant hunger break against
jagged desires.

Only a trickle of truth falls into her
Solitary spirit.
Splinters of bliss bury themselves inside
secret chasms of his soul.

Eros’ piercing arrow is marooned forever in the pulsing organ
Blood seeps into every avenue of their being
the scar of the first rapture
Is eternal.

The mind pushes, waiting for reasons
But the blissful ache sings a silent unending song

Passion crucifies
another willing zealous victim,

a torn soul resurrects
For first love never dies.

© 2009 Kori Fitch

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Winter's Pulse

A cold pulse echoes through the cosmos
the slumbering light
seeks only deep shadows

My pulsing soul slows
as light flickers within
it is only a faint silhouette
of a passion- filled flame.

The heat is lost
swallowed by the vacuum
of winter rhythms

The dark season beckons me
to fall
into the abyss
as I go under
waves of surrender
ripple outward
into the endless
sea of my soul.

A pulsing dream liberates
light and death.

The Sun steals faith from the
and resurrects once more.

he tide of darkness recedes
and all obscurity shatters
on the horizon
as Earth spins pass a star.

Listen to Winter's pulse for
it is truth hunting it's prey,
you and I,
who journey so far
to become who we are.
Kori, 2010

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Annihilation of Self

Appear, Appear, whatso thy shape or name,

O mountain Bull, Snake of the Hundred Heads,
Lion of the Burning Flame!
O God, Beast, Mystery Come!
                          - Bacchae, Euripides

“Amor fati” love of fate- love that fate is inevitably death, constitutes the experience of the tragic art: therein the joy of it, the redeeming ecstasy….
                                   Joseph Campbell

Annihilation of Self

Please annihilate my ever unsatisfied self
External obsessions live and breathe falsely in me
I want to surrender to the Other:
the god, the lover, the art

Let mystery consume me
So that all that is left is a silent flame
That once was my soul.

Time and space has yielded woe equally
My reckless pursuit of bliss
Never returned me to a mysterious rapture

Please erase me with Union
So I no longer feel the false betrayal of illusion
Flesh and bone are heavy with the material
My soul waits for a fire
A phoenix

I am a hunter of the Other
The one who will annihilate
And burn me pure.

Kori 2010

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sat Chit Ananda Being Consciousness Rapture

Now, I came to this idea of bliss because in Sanskrit, which is the great spiritual language of the world, there are three terms that represent the brink, the jumping-off place to the ocean of transcendence: sat-chit-ananda. The word "Sat" means being. "Chit" means consciousness. "Ananda" means bliss or rapture. I thought, "I don't know whether my consciousness is proper consciousness or not; I don't know whether what I know of my being is my proper being or not; but I do know where my rapture is. So let me hang on to rapture, and that will bring me both my consciousness and my being." I think it worked.

-- Joseph Campbell, The Power of Myth, pp. 113, 120

Sat, Chit and Ananda are Sanskrit words that mean truth, consciousness, bliss. They are three ways to understand the absolute, Braham in Hindu Mythology. The great seers of the Hindu religion understood that these are limited words. They do not describe the real, they only point and guide you toward these experiences. Hindu Gods are all representations and limited idea of the absolute. When or if you decide to devote your life to the spiritual realm then these might be ways to experience the absolute.

Sat is understood as being pure or the truth of the individual existence. It is the part of you that comes from the source or absolute. It is not corrupted by the illusion of everyday existence. It is always present whether the individual knows it or not. It is beyond all names, forms or limitations of the physical and mental. It should not be a struggle or striving to become SAT- you already have it, but just need to let it come forth.

Chit is pure consciousness or transcendent consciousness. When the individual experiences this they are aware. To be aware of yourself is the first step. The second step is to be aware of each of characteristics. The more aware of your surroundings and inner realm the higher your consciousness becomes, i.e. you experience less drama and see things as they truly are.

Ananda is a state of bliss or joy. When you see or become more aware then you will enjoy more of everything. Bliss is experiencing a rapture in your work, being with another person, and in your art or creativity. It is not a superficial illusionary phase, but an inner understanding of what gives you joy. If you stop your attachment and mind what will happen is natural flow of joy that fills you up. It is your natural state because the absolute, Braham is Bliss.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Second Renaissance- The Gifts From the Greeks and Egyptians

Kemetic History of Afrika * Blue Lotus*

The world may be shifting faster than we think. I had a feeling that things were a little off because of the Church's reign of us for the past 2000 years. It seems as if we are waking and finding that we can because the hammer, or blade of the Church is no longer cutting us down. What does this mean? We have been living so long without the freedom to search our true origination and past. Since the discovery of Sacred text of the Christian mystics, the Dali Lama coming into the mainstream, and Quantum Mechanics, we are finally seeking out what time and space are really about. The time keepers and or superstitions are coming to an end. We still have those that want to spin the Judgment day scenario but science has kept this at bay. This does not mean we are not replacing one mythology with another. I think it is like a Second Renaissance. That is the Greeks and Ancients- i.e. Egyptians, and Hindus strike again and remain secure in their estimations of how the universe works. The Mayans can be considered at least great Astronomers and mathematical time keepers.

As I read the new astrology proposal of the 13th sign of the zodiac it is very strange. I could see the whole serpent superstition taking over the Catholic church so they left one out for 2000 years. It seems very normal for them. They did not give any truth to us for 2000 years. Judas and Mary Magdalene were two disciples closest to Jesus and they conspired to cast shadows on them both because it did not fit their manipulation of the masses. That is another story.

The only evidence I have is to read the symbols of the 13th sign, Ophiuchus, which means the Serpent Holder. This sign is the only one that represents a human in the zodiac. He holds a serpent a crossed his chest, and he does this because he uses the snake to heal. Since the serpent was always a evil symbol in the Christian story of Adam and Eve- they withdrew this zodiac constellations from astrological calculation. I was born under this sign. If it is to be considered. What is the big deal?

It all seems silly except for my writing and the things that have been coming out in my dreams and just what imagery appeals to me. And since I write a lot on blogs, and poems and publish on my own sites I have a record in this virtual world of these happenings. It is all very strange. In the last six months I written about red snakes, kundalini- which is often referred to as a coiled snake at the base of everyone's spine, and dragons just lately. This all have reference to the serpent imagery. I will list my blogs so you can see that each was between Sept, 2010 to Jan. 4th 2011. I had no idea of this 13 sign thing until today.

I am not sure it is about truth as in scientific fact, but more what is happening to the human and Earth and our Galaxy. We know that Earth is going through changes. I think humanity is waking up. It seems as if the old way of the world is clutching on with a tight grip before we really shift the whole game. The political struggle and violence seem to be empty attempts at holding on to a system that no longer serves the people. Some of us are just looking out in a daze at the pettiness and audacity of some political parties who have no substance and or genuine attitude to help things change. I know our president is up against a wall and may not be the best politician but I still believe in his sincerity and his attempt to do something as the Titanic goes underwater. And lets be honest that is what Bush left us with. The corruptness of Washington is so thick and heavy it is like President Obama is walking in sludge every single day.

The question becomes how am I influenced by this time and space. How important is that I was born from the same elements as a star and or planet? I am a child of the Sun and so what is in me is also out there. I do not know the connection. I am a component of this universe. I am influenced by gravity, sun spots, radiation, atmosphere and energy. Can I really cut myself off and think that I am just this chess piece being moved around with no connection to what is below me or above me? Something is going on, and I tend to gravitate to the ancient teachings and like to think their is hell of a lot more going on in this Earth and star systems out there than we can prove or know. I would consider myself ignorant and egocentric if I continued with the ideology that we are the only intelligent life on this planet. We are at the crossroads that presented itself to Galileo that the world is round and not flat.
Here are some links to some of my writings that were prior to today where I just found information about my sign possibily being in another constellation when I was born. 
As I put this image at the front there is even more to the mystery especially when you research the Egyptian Zodiac sings which always had 13.  And of course when I was 25 I got a tatoo of Ra.
"That myth of the number 13 being bad luck, is just to steer you from the facts. That fact is, Ophiuchus is the constellation of "Ra Sun Deity".   Written by Blog
                                                        Kemetic History of Afrika * Blue Lotus*

Dream of a Red Snake