Sunday, February 10, 2013

Mortal Coil & A Gypsy-Eye Siren 
                                                                 Artist: Mortal Coil by Navate


To be, or not to be: that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep;
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep;
To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub;
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause: there's the respect
That makes calamity of so long life;
 William Shakespeare - To be, or not to be (from Hamlet 3/1)


What dreams may come in death 

to shuffle off this mortal coil


Schopenhauer's speculation

In this way, the length of our life is metaphorically the length of thread that is coiled on a spool, a metaphor related to the ancient Greek mythological figures of the Fates. As we live, the thread is unwound from the coil by the shuttle of the loom of time.


Shall we?  Oh the suffering is so clear and felt here in this wicked game, yet we must find the Gods (real or fake) and rise to meet them.  The human potential can release our suffering.  But if we do not personify our human qualities in a god-like way we shall not see our divinity(highest human potential).  The Greeks somehow rose to such greatness because they personified almost every human quality into gods.  They first recognized the suffering, and death that would devour them, but then in the face of such tragedy of life, they created.  Maybe the only culture so far that had such focus, but not with hubris, on human potential.  Their focus was so intense and balanced they created political systems, military might, art, science,  philosophy.  They did not deny humans uncosncious yearning for a higher power.  There was someone to pray to.  It does not matter whether god exists, but that you believe and your unconscious has some identification, so that your conscious and unconscious can marry and you can be a balanced person.    

It is not easy being here, but we have a lot of potential.  It requires serious understanding of death and divinity or the highest human potential.  The highest human potential must be sought and experienced.  Compassion, forgiveness and gratitude are some of the concepts that the devout practice.  The mystery of being is well-beyond our research.  Scientific evidence will never reveal god or mystic experience.  This is a side note.  The structure that we can know, human consciousness and unconscious tendencies, tells us that we need something  outside(gods, myths, symbols) to understand the inside.  This comes up in stories, myths which usually contain gods.  Why?  This is the question.  


Gypsy-Eye Siren

Did I escape a gypsy-eye Siren?
Some tribal song,
 Deep rhythm,
and drum 
My heartbeat
So loud
The universe heard the echo

The world disappeared as I sailed to her
Broken, so mortal
To extinguish my wicked fate
The rapture of annihilation

I dove into the water 
 The rocks and bones lacerate my soul 
For her tone releases a desire
Death, the long sleep
My eyes wept with bliss 
at the mere idea of the end.  

The sensual sings her will closer 
like a death marked arrow
as I struggled the waves to her
Some whirl pool pulled me down Deep
away from the temptress
sacred water savior-
life giving abyss
every journey steals a piece of my dream

What coil is wrapped upon a universal
What spinning of fate is this?
Oh to be mortal…
How must I unwind,
Tear, shred this thread
Of life?
What will murder
This spell?
My life is
A dark back-alley blues riff
Moving to its own agenda
Wielding this soul through
Time and space

The only truth:
Is rhythm
Death drumming
With his gypsy-eye Siren
An unforgettable tune.

Kori 2/10/13


Saturday, February 2, 2013

Memory of Fire

   The solstice summons us into
The cosmic sea, ever lost
On the outer reaches of a galaxy
Are we like Odysseus?
the lost noble wanderers

The dark winter has been too long
True sailing is dead
Our compass lost
The stars wait for our return

The solstice summons us
Into her dark realm
Where she
Conspires to seduce us with
long nights and mystery

When will we understand
The depth of our own inner land?
When shall we see that we have
And endless sun inside of our
Own deep winter?

The heartbeat of the cosmos lives
In an eternal cold darkness,
But gives birth to endless stars,
Galaxies, novas and
Waves of love –

what else could this
Creation be?

Only those open to exploring
 Those sailors who want waves to move them
To extend their realm from the inside out
will rise like water burned by the sun      `

We are all wanders in the cosmic ocean-
Clasping to a water world,
Whirling through space and time.

We seek the solstice
For the memory of distant suns
for our own shining exploding
Magnetic  soul  is enfolding.

We are all just blazing flames
Trapped in time and space
Using gravity to wield our fate
Like muses burnt by the memory of fire.
                  Kori 12/18/12