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Kemetic History of Afrika * Blue Lotus* http://kemetichistoryofafrikabluelotus.blogspot.com/2010/05/ophiuchus-denderah-13th-zodiac-sign.html |
The world may be shifting faster than we think. I had a feeling that things were a little off because of the Church's reign of us for the past 2000 years. It seems as if we are waking and finding that we can because the hammer, or blade of the Church is no longer cutting us down. What does this mean? We have been living so long without the freedom to search our true origination and past. Since the discovery of Sacred text of the Christian mystics, the Dali Lama coming into the mainstream, and Quantum Mechanics, we are finally seeking out what time and space are really about. The time keepers and or superstitions are coming to an end. We still have those that want to spin the Judgment day scenario but science has kept this at bay. This does not mean we are not replacing one mythology with another. I think it is like a Second Renaissance. That is the Greeks and Ancients- i.e. Egyptians, and Hindus strike again and remain secure in their estimations of how the universe works. The Mayans can be considered at least great Astronomers and mathematical time keepers.
As I read the new astrology proposal of the 13th sign of the zodiac it is very strange. I could see the whole serpent superstition taking over the Catholic church so they left one out for 2000 years. It seems very normal for them. They did not give any truth to us for 2000 years. Judas and Mary Magdalene were two disciples closest to Jesus and they conspired to cast shadows on them both because it did not fit their manipulation of the masses. That is another story.
The only evidence I have is to read the symbols of the 13th sign, Ophiuchus, which means the Serpent Holder. This sign is the only one that represents a human in the zodiac. He holds a serpent a crossed his chest, and he does this because he uses the snake to heal. Since the serpent was always a evil symbol in the Christian story of Adam and Eve- they withdrew this zodiac constellations from astrological calculation. I was born under this sign. If it is to be considered. What is the big deal?
It all seems silly except for my writing and the things that have been coming out in my dreams and just what imagery appeals to me. And since I write a lot on blogs, and poems and publish on my own sites I have a record in this virtual world of these happenings. It is all very strange. In the last six months I written about red snakes, kundalini- which is often referred to as a coiled snake at the base of everyone's spine, and dragons just lately. This all have reference to the serpent imagery. I will list my blogs so you can see that each was between Sept, 2010 to Jan. 4th 2011. I had no idea of this 13 sign thing until today.
I am not sure it is about truth as in scientific fact, but more what is happening to the human and Earth and our Galaxy. We know that Earth is going through changes. I think humanity is waking up. It seems as if the old way of the world is clutching on with a tight grip before we really shift the whole game. The political struggle and violence seem to be empty attempts at holding on to a system that no longer serves the people. Some of us are just looking out in a daze at the pettiness and audacity of some political parties who have no substance and or genuine attitude to help things change. I know our president is up against a wall and may not be the best politician but I still believe in his sincerity and his attempt to do something as the Titanic goes underwater. And lets be honest that is what Bush left us with. The corruptness of Washington is so thick and heavy it is like President Obama is walking in sludge every single day.
The question becomes how am I influenced by this time and space. How important is that I was born from the same elements as a star and or planet? I am a child of the Sun and so what is in me is also out there. I do not know the connection. I am a component of this universe. I am influenced by gravity, sun spots, radiation, atmosphere and energy. Can I really cut myself off and think that I am just this chess piece being moved around with no connection to what is below me or above me? Something is going on, and I tend to gravitate to the ancient teachings and like to think their is hell of a lot more going on in this Earth and star systems out there than we can prove or know. I would consider myself ignorant and egocentric if I continued with the ideology that we are the only intelligent life on this planet. We are at the crossroads that presented itself to Galileo that the world is round and not flat.
Here are some links to some of my writings that were prior to today where I just found information about my sign possibily being in another constellation when I was born.
As I put this image at the front there is even more to the mystery especially when you research the Egyptian Zodiac sings which always had 13. And of course when I was 25 I got a tatoo of Ra.
"That myth of the number 13 being bad luck, is just to steer you from the facts. That fact is, Ophiuchus is the constellation of "Ra Sun Deity". Written by Blog
Kemetic History of Afrika * Blue Lotus*
Dream of a Red Snake
As I put this image at the front there is even more to the mystery especially when you research the Egyptian Zodiac sings which always had 13. And of course when I was 25 I got a tatoo of Ra.
"That myth of the number 13 being bad luck, is just to steer you from the facts. That fact is, Ophiuchus is the constellation of "Ra Sun Deity". Written by Blog
Kemetic History of Afrika * Blue Lotus*
Dream of a Red Snake